The Québec City Convention Centre Is Taking Action Against Food Waste


On Earth Day, the Québec City Convention Centre is proud to showcase its initiatives in eco-friendly cooking and food management, especially during this pandemic when many families are living with food insecurity. The Convention Centre’s team cares about food waste as does its exclusive food and beverage partner, Capital HRS. Since throwing away or wasting food is out of the question, all food is used to its full potential in the kitchen or is given a chance for a second life.

Feeding people in need

Every year, during regular event activities, the Convention Centre has been helping the underprivileged by redistributing production surpluses to organizations, such as Lauberivière, Madame Brissette (a woman from the Québec region who takes care of disabled children), or Moisson Québec. Hundreds of kilos of food thus find its way to people in need in the greater Québec City region.

Preventing food waste

Like many restaurateurs who had to suddenly cease their activities in March 2020, the Québec City Convention Centre also suddenly found itself with a huge surplus of food. The F&B team was forced to cease activities with just a few hours’ notice—and there was a conference on the schedule that same day. The culinary brigade came up with the idea of cooking and transforming the food, then storing it in freezers. Over the following months, meals were distributed to charitable organizations in the region.

Poubelle à plusieurs sections, appelée Ilôt multimatière. On peux y composter, recycler ou jeter nos déchets.

Sorting waste materials in the kitchen

Did you know that all food scraps are sorted in the Convention Centre kitchen for composting? It’s another way to prevent waste! Great efforts are made to collect food waste for composting. In addition, did you know that the containers used for disposable cutlery are compostable? It makes it much easier for guests to know what to do when they receive a boxed lunch or buy snacks (during normal business activities). Everything can go into the compostable waste bins!

Lending its facilities and teams

Helping others is also reflected in another way while the Québec City Convention Centre’s normal operations and events have lessened due to COVID-19. For example, Moisson Québec was able to prepare baskets of non-perishable foodstuffs for 9,000 families at Christmas and assemble 4,000 jars of soup and 2,000 jars of cookies in the Convention Centre’s exhibition room. As a bonus, our dedicated Customer Experience team put their noses to the grindstone to pitch in. Because of this, Moisson Québec was able to carry out its mission to help vulnerable families by working in a safe space suitable for such a large-scale operation.

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