Influential Ambassadors
Led by Carole Després, who supported the pitch via videoconference, the bid was championed in Rome by Dr. Després’s fellow co-chairs, professor Émilie Pinard of Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture, professor Sébastien Lord of the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture at Université de Montréal, and sales manager ocelyn Guertin of the Québec City Convention Centre. Denise Piché, an associate professor at Université Laval, rounded out the team of co-chairs. All four co-chairs have taught, are teaching, or studied at Université Laval’s School of Architecture.
About Université Laval’s School of Architecture
Université Laval’s School of Architecture and its training programs are based on values that are deeply rooted in the school’s history: respect for and enhancement of the natural and built environment, an awareness of varying uses and cultural diversity, and an understanding of how architecture contributes to environmental sustainability through the reinterpretation of environments, collaboration, thoughtful design, and innovation.
About IAPS
Officially founded in 1981, IAPS is an active, multidisciplinary association of researchers and practitioners from around the world who share an interest in how people interact with their environment. The fields of psychology, sociology, geography, design, and urban planning are all represented within the association, as are many others. IAPS is a forum for interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration.